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GSAK Geocaching Swiss Army Knife v7.1.1.32

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GSAK Geocaching Swiss Army Knife v7.1.1.32
GSAK Geocaching Swiss Army Knife v7.1.1.32 英文正式版(用於 Geocaching 的軟體)

1. install !
2. Put files from crack dir into install dir (save crc32.bin before)
3. Go to register screen, type any name and at least one number
4. MessageBox tells ya the key ...reg with it ,)
5. Replace cracked exe with original again and put back ya old crc32.bin
3. Have Fun ...
GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife) 是一款用於 Geocaching 的工具,允許你導入,導出和
傳輸你的 Geocache 收藏. 該軟體支援 .LOC 和 .GPX格式並且為每個項目顯示一個詳細的資
訊列表.你可以標記這些項目,改變狀況,從 GPS 單元傳輸中繼點或者向 GPS 單元傳輸中繼點,
添加用戶記錄,生成 HTML 文件,列印項目列表以及更多功能.該軟體可以被定制為各種不同的
方式,包括用於定制的 URL 地址的選項,定制標籤為指定的中繼點名稱(基於中繼點資訊)和圖
示,搜索過濾器以及更多方式.該軟體是一款用於活躍 Geocachers 的全方位工具.
GSAK is the all in one Geocaching and waypoint
management tool. Major features include: Multiple
databases, sending/receiving waypoints to GPSr,
conversion to many mapping formats, HTML output,
extensive searching, macro support, backup and
restore, distance/direction from other waypoints
(including caches, locations, post codes) and much

General Features
# Multiple waypoint databases
# Import individual GPX/LOC files or a whole folder
# Display waypoint offline in browser or split
screen view (live Internet connection not required)
# Display waypoint online (uses a link to
www.geocaching.com by default, but the URL is user
# Custom URL's for each waypoint, and waypoints as
a group.
# Automation of tasks (macros or batch processing)
# Set centre points by post code, location, or
# Comprehensive filters to search/select a subset
of your data (subsets can be saved and restored)
# Export to the following formats: MapSend WPT,
OziExplorer WPT, www.geocaching.com GPX and LOC
format, MapSource, Fugawi, Street Atlas, Pocket
Streets, Microsoft Streets and Trips, Magellan
Protocol (SD card), Magellan eXplorist, Lowrance
USR, TomTom POI files, Maptech eXchange format,
CacheMate, and National Geographic TOPO!.
# GPSBabel Custom Export. This enables generation
of other lesser known formats such as Tiger,
GPSUtil, Delorme XMap, Delorme XMapWpt, PsiTrex,
PCX, CETUS, Quovadis, GPSPilot, MagNav, Microsoft
PocketStreets PSP, NaviTrak DNA, Holux, TopoMapPro
Place files, GpsDrive, Geocaching DB, CoPilot,
EasyGPS, GPilotS, GeocachingDB, NIMA, MapConverter,
NaviCache and PsiTrex.
# Generation of "Spinner" type HTML for download to
your PDA
# Direct upload of waypoints to GPS receiver
# Add "corrected coordinates" to a waypoint
# customize waypoint description for offline HTML
# User Notes (Watcher compatible). You can also
import and export notes in text format
# Ascending/descending sorting of columns in the
offline database
# Instant counts (colour coded) for found, not
found, placed, and archived waypoints in the
displayed database
# Ability to set centre point for calculation of
distance and bearing
# Change column size of all browse view headings
# Change column order of all browse view headings
(just drag heading)
# Select individual columns to display in the grid
# Repair and delete the database
# Backup and restore of databases and settings
# Drag and drop support (including zipped files
from www.geocaching.com)
# File association support
# PDA support: generate HTML files and indexes like
GPX Spinner
# UTM coordinates show in HTML view
# Convert State names to abbreviations (Australian,
US, Canada, State names and abbreviations provided
by default)
# Unicode conversion
# LOC file support (from www.geocaching.com and
from other sources)
# Unlimited log history
# Instant iconic views for Travel Bugs, waypoint
type, user notes, and last four logs
# Split screen view with four formats: full
waypoint display, description only, logs only, or
log summary
# Quick Search: instant waypoint search on partial
waypoint name
# User flag for individual waypoint selection
# Delete a waypoint: with an option to prevent next
GPX load from re-adding it
# Delete multiple waypoints, based on a filter
# Identify your "Placed by" (hidden) waypoints
using exact match, wild cards, or
www.geocaching.com Owner ID
# Identify and flag archived waypoints
# Special WebCam cache support
# Add and edit your own waypoints
# Special "smart name" calculation for meaningful
unique waypoints.
# Macro language
# Semi automatic cache logging
# Terracaching.com GPX file support
# Customizable tool bar
# Coordinate Grabber from free floating text
# Before and after image change log
