DtSearch Engine v7.60.7722 英文正式版(文本搜索開發引擎軟體)
Use this password during install:ENGINE7
文本搜索開發引擎,適合開發單機、網路或者 Internet/Intranet 應用產品。採用 DtSearch Corp
的業界領先技術,為開發人員提供最大的靈活性,先進的多線程操作,適合 ASP 和 .NET 使用,自
帶實例代碼和 DtSearch 站台的 ASP 和 ISAPI 版本源碼; 無可匹敵的智慧搜索技術;支援多種文
件格式:PDF、HTML、XML、數據庫、試算表、Email、ZIP 等等, 內嵌 Unicode 支援;擴展的字段
The dtSearch product line can instantly search terabytes of text across
a desktop, network, Internet or Intranet site.
dtSearch products also serve as tools for publishing, with instant text
searching, large document collections to Web sites or CD/DVDs.
-over two dozen indexed, unindexed, fielded and full-text search options
-highlights hits in HTML, XML and PDF, while displaying embedded links,
formatting and images
-converts other file types ?word processor, database, spreadsheet,
email and full-text of email attachments, ZIP, Unicode, etc. ?to HTML
for display with highlighted hits
-built-in Spider adds a third-party or other Web site (public, secure
content, password accessible, etc.) to your searchable database
DtSearch Engine v7.73.8120 英文正式版(文本搜索軟體)
DtSearch Engine v7.64.7855 英文正式版(文本搜索軟體)
DtSearch Engine v7.50.7498 x64 Addon 英文正式版(文本搜索軟體)
DtSearch Engine v7.65.7896 英文正式版(文本搜索軟體)
DtSearch Engine v7.72.8085 英文正式版(文本搜索軟體)
DtSearch Engine v7.67.7966 英文正式版(文本搜索開發軟體)
DtSearch Engine Developer v7.52.7595 英文正式版(文本搜索工具軟體)